Graham Christensen

Packer - Create AMI with EBS Volumes with VolumeType

posted on August 02 2014

When creating an AMI through Packer, you’re able to describe what type of devices you want to attach to the device.

Using launch_block_device_mappings will provide the specified devices during the AMI configuration. Using ami_block_device_mappings will attach the devices to the server when it launches.

Amazon recommends starting device_name at sde.



  "builders": [{
    "ami_block_device_mappings": [
        "device_name": "/dev/sde",
        "volume_type": "standard"
        "device_name": "/dev/sdf",
        "device_name": "/dev/sdg",
        "volume_type": "gp2"
        "device_name": "/dev/sdh",
        "volume_type": "io1",
        "iops": 1000



Graham works on NixOS.